our mission:

The mission of the Washington Print Foundation is to advance contemporary printmaking, photography, and the book arts in the Washington area. Since its founding over 13 years ago, the Foundation has worked in partnership with Washington Printmakers Gallery to provide accessibility to these vital contemporary art forms and to promote fine-art printmaking and appreciation of contemporary, artist-made prints, photographs, and artists books through education, exhibition, and community outreach programs. Through its outreach to galleries and artists, the foundation has provided monetary assistance for inventive and passionate work by accomplished artists both locally and nationally.

Our Board of Directors

President: Ron Meick

Vice President: Rosemary Cooley

Treasurer: Dan Berkovitz

Directors: Marie-B Cilia de Amicis

Joyce Bradley

Joseph Cooley

Dr. Steven Jackson

Adea Jackson

Denise Reilly

Russell Smith

We are an all volunteer board of professionals committed to our mission.

Our partnership with the Washington Print Gallery has provided a wonderful venue for exhibitions and office for the foundation.